Email Marketing

  • Average return of Rs. 42 for every Re.1 spent
    The best ROI

  • Orders from abandoned cart Email: 69%
    A Heavyweight for Ecommerce

  • 49% Customers say Yes to Email
    They’d like to receive weekly promotions from their favourite brand

  • 4 Billion Users
    Huge active audience across industries, globally
Digital Marketing

Every marketer’s objective is to keep building his brand and keep generating more business, by tapping into communication tools and platforms that are most effective and cost-efficient. Guess what, Email Marketing almost always tops the list of solutions.

Emails continue to work seamlessly for any marketing objective right from brand awareness to customer acquisition, and is impactful across all stages of a consumer lifecycle, right from onboarding to advocacy.

Regardless of the industry, Email also provides the strongest returns on investments, which helps marketers maximise their budget.

Emails not only help reach your target customer’s inbox at the precise time you want it to, they are also easy to track, measure and optimise.

Emails also lend well to automation. Businesses can use triggers to automatically deploy emails to customers who take a specific action. Email marketing automation today helps big and small businesses across the globe save significant amount of time and money.

Email also allows for granular level of personalisation and is a great tool for 1 to 1 marketing. If you wish to personalise your communication and make it extremely relevant for your consumers, read more about our approach to 1 to 1 marketing here.

A Simple yet Powerful tool!

If your business hasn’t explored Email Marketing yet, you could start by creating standalone communication pieces. However, email campaigns have proven to be way more efficient and impactful, when planned and sequenced in a nuanced way, and executed systematically. Urja, has over the last two decades, worked on a variety of Email campaigns designed specifically towards achieving definite marketing goals. Here are some of the common campaign types:

Acquisition Campaign

  • This involves tapping into the brand’s database to generate new business.
  • Digital intelligence generated in the process allows you to feel the pulse of your audience.
  • Whether the email was opened, how much was read, and which CTA was interacted with the most, all this provides valuable insights that help sharpen the communication.

Drip Marketing

  • The impact of an email outreach programme can be multiplied through the use of drip campaigns.
  • A strategic mapping of audience response and the following conversation can be devised.
  • Using email automation and drip marketing in conjunction, one can run marketing campaigns year after year without breaking a sweat.

Customer Lifecycle Management Programme

  • An email series is a great way to say hello to a new customer and familiarise him with the product or service.
  • It is also effective in nudging your audience to move to the next stage of the consumer lifecycle and also to get him interested in new offerings.
  • Onboarding programme, Cross-sell and Upsell campaigns, activation of dormant customers, winning back of attriting customers, referral programmes, customer satisfaction surveys – Emails help execute them all, effortlessly, over and over again.


  • For marketers looking to create regular positive brand engagements with the audience and build long-term relationships, Newsletters are an effective tool.
  • They can carry advisory, industry news, festival greetings, investor announcements, CSR updates, and can be your brand’s voice out there.
  • Newsletters are a great way to show your audience that you care and that they are more than just a data point on your excel sheet.

To know what kind of Email programmes will work for your business and your marketing needs, drop in a message here.

Urja’s email marketing campaigns are guided by 4 foundation anchors, viz:


We predict all the possible outcomes of a campaign and prepare an optimization plan for each response. We also estimate metrics such as open rates, bounce rates, beforehand, which help us plan and optimize our content and design.

Audience Landscaping
and Personalisation

We profile the audience and suggest segmentation based on the demographic and behavioural insights available. We then map personalized communication for each segment, stage of lifecycle, or even last transaction made.


We put together the right kind of subject line, key messaging, imagery, layout, and copy tonality, to create impactful communication that is in sync with the brand essence and guidelines.

Testing and

We test, test and test, and work with our clients to arrive at the sweet spot for frequency, delivery time, formats, and then keep enhancing to optimise results.

Take a look at some of our Email campaigns

If you want to discover all the possibilities Email Marketing holds for your business, drop us a message here