Using Marketing Automation

Your must-do list
to rule 2021

Posted by Urja Communications / 15th Jan, 2021


Last year was a blip that changed the digital landscape overnight, and now every business wants to be visible everywhere and sell across platforms. In a market where businesses are fighting tooth and nail for their fair or unfair share, doing MORE is never a sane solution. Doing it RIGHT or BETTER is the smart way forward.

So here are 6 things you must pay attention to doing right and better, in 2021:

1. Listen to your Customers, genuinely

Seek honest customer opinions and use the insights to form future decisions. This is a Win Win for both parties. Just like the tapri wala remembering your cutting chai specifications (less sweet, ginger laced?) and serving it to you piping hot! Satisfaction served. Loyalty won.

2. Look at your Website & SEO Ranking

(Ours is under makeover already). Website is your head office in the digital world. It should look good, say the right things, and offer a great customer experience. Are your visitors finding you on Google, and then finding what they need on your website? Let us know if you need help.

3. Make the most of Virtual events

Webinars et al are here to stay, thanks to the ROI. Think of how you can leverage this popular tool like many other businesses have. WHAT are the pearls of wisdom that your business can offer to the world? Think WHO would be interested and WHY. And HOW will you engage them? Find the answers, and go make it happen.

4. Social media for purchase, not just discovery

The pandemic has dramatically increased the amount of time people spend online, including how they research products, and brands. While nobody wants to be sold to, everybody has the need to buy. Good content can help you tread this fine line like a boss. Address your TG’s need and mindset consistently, and your social handles will help you cross‑sell, up‑sell, and sell to new customers

5. Improved Retention via Segmentation

It takes less money to keep your existing customers than to earn new ones. 2021 calls for businesses to orchestrate hyper-personalised targeted communication. Urja has been helping brands do that for years. Because deeply engaged customers tend to stay loyal, and also tell their friends

6. Interactive Content

Digital Storytelling, gamification, immersive brand content – different names, same game. The customer today does not wish to be simply a passive audience member. Brands have the opportunity to immerse, interact and influence them with their brand story and experience. A recent example is Oreo’s OreoID.

A piece of the pie

Taking personalisation to the next level, Oreo launched a service via which you can choose your own crème, dip, photo and even text. Check it out here:

Let 2021 not be just another year.
Check how your business fares on the 6 points above, and what you must do about it, and when.

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